The Isabela State University as a leading, vibrant, comprehensive and research university in the country and the ASEAN region.


The Isabela State University is committed to develop highly trained and globally competent professionals; generate innovative and cutting-edge knowledge and technologies for people empowerment and sustainable development; engage in viable resource generation programs; and maintain and enhance stronger partnership under good governance to advance the interests of national and international communities.


    The ISABELA STATE UNIVERSITY endeavors to be a lead University
    in instruction, research, extension and resource generation through
    continuous improvement of services.

  • 1. To uphold the commitment, ISU shall attain the following
    quality objectives:

  • 2. Sustain academic excellence and quality in instruction;

  • 3. Generate research breakthroughs;

  • 4. Engage in sectoral activities for community development;

  • 5. Develop products for globalizations

  • 6. Support students participation to local and international for a to
    enhance their potentialities;

  • 7. Comply with the standards set by statutory, regulatory
    and accrediting bodies and;

  • 8. Review on periodic basis, the Quality Management System (QMS)
    and gather feedbacks on the level of client satisfaction as basis
    for continuous improvement.

    Revised as per BOR Res. No.: 12, s. 2017